skin blemish treatment face

Skin blemish- Description

The skin is the largest tissue of our body and provides protection; it is an important factor in the aesthetic appearance of each individual.

In the course of our lives, it is likely that more than any of us fall victim to any skin blemish. A patch always creates uncertainty and lack of acceptance, as there are different colored blemish and extensions, and usually do not know the reason for their appearance.

This article aims to describe in broad terms, the various different types of skin blemish and mention the impact this may have on our health, referring also to the origins of those.

Types of blemishes:

-Red Blemish:

A high percentage correspond to inflammation caused by various situations. Usually adequately addressing inflammation, usually disappear over a period of time is according to the severity of this. The inflammation caused by acne pimples is a good example.

Angiomas are vascular changes that cause red blemish sometimes very important. Is a disorder of the capillaries, although sometimes involving deeper vessels, and its resolution is more difficult. Treatment can be done with laser vessel ligation, electrocoagulation, and so on.

In young children are resolved leaving evolve, because they often respond to an immaturity of the vessels. In babies are commonly called glasses, and usually resolve within three to four years old.

-Brown Blemish:

Within these groups are:

• Moles are small circular blemish. An average adult has between 15 and 20 in the whole body.

• Freckles: usually appear in childhood and adolescence. It fades with time, leaving some for longer.

• Sun blemish: We generated through cumulative exposure to solar radiation and are usually produced in the elderly. Usually occur in the face and back of hands.

• Blemish of birth: Moon are a subtype called Nevo. May or may not hairy; are round or irregular shapes of different sizes and from small to very large and sometimes huge.

• Blemish of Pregnancy: Melasma calls are also responding to increased pigment induced by hormones. May also make oral contraceptives.

• Burn blemish: They are generated when skin is exposed to temperatures above 60 ° C. In general, brown blemish can be treated with bleaching creams or laser for brown.

Moles can be surgically removed only for reasons of aesthetics. Constitute a risk (albeit very low) of malignant tumor formation. It should monitor them regularly.

You should always be observed, if any:

• A change in size (especially if the mole spreads and becomes wider).
• A change in the lunar edge (the edge of the mole becomes irregular).
• A change of way that one half of the mole is unlike the other.
• A change of color or different shades of the same color in a mole.
• A change in surface appearance (example, begin to form scales or scabs, or the mole begins to bleed or leak fluid).

Although the likelihood of harm is very low, the result is malignant melanoma moles and is one of the more aggressive tumors. The earlier it is addressed, has a better chance of cure.

-White Blemish:

Its most common cause is tinea versicolor, a fungus that lives in fur with some predisposition, and that during the summer causes white blemish in contrast to the tan from the sun. Where are the injuries caused by the fungus does not occur coloring.

The Vitiligo is a disease that has no clinical severity, but has a high impact aesthetic and therefore psychological. It is known as the Pena's disease, since it was associated with a significant state of mental functioning.

• Whatever the cause of skin discoloration is always important that this be seen by a dermatologist, as there are many unresolved questions in this area and new situations are generated every day.

• Do not treat, because some products can cause side effects if used incorrectly.

• If you notice an appearance of a stain, avoid sun exposure until the doctor determines whether or not it contraindicated.

*Consult your dermatologist immediately if any of your moles have:

Asymmetry: One half is different to the other.
Border: Irregular edge, cut or poorly defined.
Color: Color varies from one area to another, different shades of brown, black, red, white and blue.
Diameter: Greater than 6 mm.
Evolution: Changing the shape, color and / or size over time.

Consider these tips, can be signs of a malignant melanoma.

Self-examination to detect melanoma:

1 .- Examine your body front and back in front of a mirror, then examine the sides with arms raised.
2 .- Bend elbows and look carefully under the arms, forearms, hands and palms.
3 .- Look behind the legs and feet, check between the toes and soles.
4 .- Look behind the neck with a hand mirror. Besides the hair to see more clearly.
5 .- Finally examine the back and buttocks with a hand mirror.

The timely removal of a melanoma allow early detection and early treatment of skin cancer.

If you have any mole that deserves further questions, ask your dermatologist
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